Employment and skillsYouth Empowerment

Skill Development

3 Mins read

What is Skill Development?

Skill development is a process of identification of your skill gap and ensuring that you evolve and expand those skills. It will be your skills that will determine your personality, capability of handling situations and solving problems or abilities. These skills will help you achieve your desired goals. Skill development and training are integral parts of an employee’s life. To have high productivity, you need to have skilled employees for plant developmental workshops and keep employees highly motivated all the time.

Developing Skills

  1. Find your root: Skill development does not necessarily begin after you cross a certain age limit. It begins with the beginning of your education or your growth period. It’s your school where you truly find your seed and root to it. Schooling helps you explore; it gives you time to try anything and everything. So, give everything a fair chance. There will be a moment where you will find yourself well engaged and happy to spend hours of your day. That will be your Quality which will later be developed and polished into Skills. You only be able to work for hours, days, months, and years if you like what you do. It will be your skin, ability, and capability that will make you sustain and be happy at the same time. Hence, choose wisely.
  1. Research well: Liking what you do and want to develop it as a career option? Then you need to know all about it.  Refer and take guidance from experts to become one. Proper investigation is half the battle won. If you know, what you like, what it is, how is it done, why do it, or how much can you earn from it? Then you are walking on the right path. Study different perspectives about that skill and quality of yours. keep and I on every little changed or development. Go online, the internet has made our jobs much easier. Research millions of websites, read books, ask questions to elders and experts in the field, watch videos, documentaries or content related to the skill all listen to podcasts. There a lot more such information sources available around us and on the internet. Utilize them.
  1. Get Trained: When you find your core, I have researched thoroughly then the next step is to get to polishing i.e., getting trained. There are different workshops, short-term courses, long-term courses, webinars, and seminars set up by governmental organizations and non-government organizations to simplify the process. Enroll yourself, try learning everything possible, be creative and hardworking. Train you are self in both hard skills and soft skills.
  • Hard Skills: Skills related to tasks that can be quantified are known as hard skills. These attend to certifications, technical knowledge base skills, and expertise in particular subjects.
  • Soft Skills: Skills that are related to one’s personality are soft skills. They are also meant to enhance the image, personality, and presentability of an individual. Skills such as problem-solving, first impressions, cracking interviews, communication skills, fine dining, dressing etiquettes, decision making, relationship building, etc.
People don’t understand the need to balance skills and end up unemployed and frustrated. Therefore, both are equally important.
  1. It’s action time: Don’t wait for completing your training. If you have researched well and good at the training courses, apply for part-time or full-time internships, sign up as volunteers in workshops conducted by experts and take jobs. Experience teaches and trains you much faster. Lots of practice and patient are going to develop your confidence. Hence, with twice the effort you are already putting. Always try to be a good learner and a good listener. Put all of your knowledge, research, training, and hard work into action. Younger fast as there is in demand from popular institution and organizations looking for fresh and innovative candidates.
When you set a goal and work hard for it by sharpening your skills they become your strengths for life. Your skills will allow you to work efficiently for a long period of time. Explore & segregate your skills for a less frustrating career and easy life.

Skill Development in India

India is known as one of the most highly populated countries in the world and still lacks the ratio of employment. Hence to change the status, the Government of India set up a whole new ministry for the sake of employment. It was called the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) in November 2014. Employment is the result of the right skill development in an individual. The ministry was set up to harmonize various skill development initiatives across the country.  In 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Skill India Mission to empower the youths in the country. This ministry was led by Mr. Rajiv Prasad Rudy wherein who reinvigorated India’s Skill Ecosystem. This way youth in millions was trained and employed which drastically increase the country’s economy. The focus is to skill with speed, scale up existing initiatives and widen the outrage of the programs.

Get Ready-Set-Go!


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