Every photographer worth their salt has been through their fair share of struggles and challenges. They have surmounted countless obstacles that stood in their way to reach where they are. They did not enter the big leagues through a smooth and placid road but theirs was a bumpy ride. Courtesy of this, they have a bag full of meaningful tips ready to be imparted. A blossoming photographer ought to heed their advice if he/she hopes to make strides in his career through his talent.

Let’s dive in and listen to some of the most accomplished photographers in the field and what they have to say to the young, budding, and upcoming talents.
Ken Kaminesky
A veteran in the field and travel photographer, Ken believes the roots of a perfect shot lie in its focus. The sharpness of your images dictates the grip it will have on your viewer and so getting it right is crucial to good photography.He advises using a tripod as much and as frequently as possible. He quotes, “No matter how steady you are, you’ll never be as steady as being on a sturdy tripod that allows the camera to be perfectly still when taking a photograph.”He also directs the newcomers to avoid autofocus when they can. The technique Ken advocates is that he uses the camera’s back LCD to enlarge the scene and then focuses roughly a third of the way into the scene. This way he manages to get maximum focus on his images and makes adjustments after that if necessary. He believes the “Focus Peaking” tool that some of the newer cameras boast to be invaluable that helps him achieve the desired focus for his shots.Daboo Ratnani
Ratnani is a renowned Indian fashion photographer who works with top-notch celebrities round the clock. He dispenses some precious advice to all the aspiring fashion photographers in his interview. Daboo urges them to be absolutely sure they want to be working in this genre as fashion photography demands you to interact with all kinds of people at your job. So if you are Mr. Grumpy or not a people’s person, it’s going to take extra efforts on your part to find that connection with your models. And if they are uncomfortable with your presence, it is going to reflect poorly in the images as well. He also is a firm advocate of consistency and states that the lack of it will never take you much further in your field.Marysia Maciocha
The Polish talent behind My Travels Affairs blog, Marysia by her own admission is a stickler for details. She believes that rather than focusing on the “bigger picture”, a photographer ought to smooth out all the smaller details in his shot. The big picture stuff has a way of taking care of itself but it’s the little things in your shot that make it stand out and distinguish you from others. Loads of people click pictures from their smartphones each day but the difference that lies between a professional and them is his attention to detail. So, you must watch out for that.