
SkillsetsVideography and editing

Top 6 Video Editing Software in 2021

4 Mins read
All budding video editors must have a firm grip and know all the ins and outs when it comes to editing software….
SkillsetsVideography and editing

Acing The Art Of Video Editing

3 Mins read
A video gains its much-needed sheen and finishes during the post-production phase. No matter how skillful you are at your job, if…
photography & editingSkillsets

Tips And Tricks For A Terrific Shot

4 Mins read
Every photographer worth their salt has been through their fair share of struggles and challenges. They have surmounted countless obstacles that stood…
YouthYouth Empowerment

Education - Fundamental of Development

4 Mins read
The population of India is 1,393,123,813 at present. If we distribute the population according to age, we will have 26.63 percent of…
YouthYouth Empowerment

 Empowerment is a Necessity, Not a Choice

4 Mins read
Indian Entrepreneurs From the pursuit of productivity with strenuous labor work to the pursuit of productivity with comfort, the Homo Sapiens evolved….
Employment and skillsYouth Empowerment

What is Employment?

2 Mins read
Employment is a relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract, one being the employer and the other being the employee….
Employment and skillsYouth Empowerment

Skill Development

3 Mins read
What is Skill Development? Skill development is a process of identification of your skill gap and ensuring that you evolve and expand…
Employment and skillsYouth Empowerment

Employment in India

4 Mins read
Employment in India The current Indian population is approximately 139 crores i.e., India is the second most highly populated country in the…
EducationYouth Empowerment

Empowering Youth

3 Mins read
WHAT IS YOUTH EMPOWERMENT?  As the word suggests youth empowerment is a process in that children and young people are encouraged to…
EducationYouth Empowerment

The Education System

5 Mins read
Education has become more accessible than before. all countries are putting a lot of effort into the education of their youth. It…
EducationYouth Empowerment

Education is Necessity

3 Mins read
India a country of beliefs has flourished in competition with superstition. And education for its way to the height it has reached…
EntrepreneurshipYouth Empowerment

Turning Challenges into Progress

4 Mins read
About & History Entrepreneurs were originally traders and merchants in the early centuries. The beginnings of entrepreneurship were interlinked with trade. When…
EntrepreneurshipYouth Empowerment

Route to Successful Business

4 Mins read
Being employed is a status of reputation. Like it or not, the description of our job has more value than our temperament….

Yuva Empowerment Posts

5 Mins read
The most important skill for a product leader is active listening. Be a good listener and you will naturally build trust across individuals,…

How fashion startups get accepted into tech accelerators

5 Mins read
Graduating from a top accelerator or incubator can be as career-defining for a startup founder as an elite university diploma. The intensive programmes, which…

12 ways to travel more sustainably that you haven't thought of yet

5 Mins read
Even so, many believe there are less problematic and more effective ways to approach outdoors overcrowding than to avoid geotagging – it’s…

A Place Where Technology Meets Craftsmanship

5 Mins read
We are looking beyond ideation stage to, at the very least, beta, and for companies that are corporate-ready. Retailers want to see…

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day

5 Mins read
From there, we generally start working on visual concepts that can make that vision more tangible. Our stakeholders are often editors with…

If You Were to Start a Business From Scratch Tomorrow

5 Mins read
That’s because in spite of its iffy earnings reports over the last five years, Synergy Research reported that IBM had 7 percent…

Talisker Bay on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

5 Mins read
The most important skill for a product leader is active listening. Be a good listener and you will naturally build trust across individuals,…