Yuva Empowerment

Employment in India

Bussiness people working in team in an office

Employment in India

The current Indian population is approximately 139 crores i.e., India is the second most highly populated country in the world. out of the 139 crores of population 49 crores, people are in the working force. Out of which 33 crores are men and 16 crores are women, which is quite a large difference. 67% of the total population is aged above 15 i.e., 93 crores. From which only 49 crore people work. There are multiple reasons for such a vast difference between the numbers of working and non-working people. As some are students & still in the process of education, some educated yet unemployed due to fewer capabilities and skillsets than the working segment needs and many more reasons. Now, Indian employment is mainly distributed in 3 major segments the Agriculture, Industry & Service sectors.


Agriculture is alter divided into 4 parts.
  • Agri & Horticulture
  • Livestock
  • Forestry & Logging
  • Fishing, Aquaculture & Apiculture
Agriculture is the first & major source of employment in India. But, with the day-by-day technology & western influence, the number of agricultural involvements has declined. At present, around 2 crores people are employed in this sector.


The industry as well as post-sub-divisions to it, and they are as follows:
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining and Quarrying
  • Electricity, Gas & Water
  • Construction
Out of the above 4 divisions, manufacturing has the highest proportion in the say with 17% employment involved. With construction exactly behind with 6% & finally mining and electricity with 1% each. The industry sector is about 25% of the 49 crore employment numbers which makes it above 12 crores of public involvement.

Service Industry:

The fastest booming segment in India is the service industry with four sub-segments for easy understanding.
  • Trade, Hotel & Restaurants
  • Transport, Storage & Communication
  • Financial Services & Real Estate
  • Personal & Other Services.
A lot of people from both the segments agricultural and industrial has shifted to the service sector to good and quicker growth in the career with income in hand. The sector has around 31% of 49 crores public involvement with 15 crore sections to service & making it the 2nd highest employment workforce in India. The contribution of the service sector in GDP is 53%. The industry with 25% employment gives 31% GDP. And finally, the largest sector has shockingly the lowest GDP i.e., Agriculture with 43% employment is 16% GDP.

How can we boost employment in the country?

Over 85% of employment in India is in the informal sector. An unplanned national lockdown halted economic activity & wiped-out livelihoods, especially for the people with daily wages & laborers. Salaries were cut down to half, some were thrown out of their jobs, some with jobs but no money in return. The entry of the covid-19 virus with lockdown became a nightmare for the nation. Every single person was affected be it the rich or the poor. Laborers were seen fleeing to their native villages as they were left with nothing. This is called reverse migration. Due to the closing down of the country, it faced a lot of economic problems. Let’s look at the problems & how can we try fixing them.

Education quality:

Starting from the root cause of the problem, companies and corporate and not finding eligible and capable candidates for the jobs. As students from the very beginning of their lives have been learning that they don’t need in real life or an outdated syllabus. The way of education must change with time and the needs of the era. Theory and textbook education are not what the corporate world wants. They need practical knowledge and worldliness. Quality education should not be limited to the Urban Sector. It should reach every corner, village, and school of the country. It must be accessible regardless to distance, language, and time.   Adaptation and implementation of digital learning should be a routine then seminars and webinars. Technology and the internet are going to be the future and the education system must update accordingly. The focus should be on skill training and development rather than making them bookworms. Education will bring the unity the country needs. Quality education with equality will make the candidates understand their rights and duties.  

Investment in technology:

Like mentioned before, the internet and technology are the upcoming future. Investments in the field I am going to open multiple job opportunities with the advantage of high payment. Investments in areas such as data, AI (artificial intelligence), IoT (internet of things), cloud computing, and digital payments will play a massive role in becoming the dominant global power and serve as multipliers of productivity that will create wealth and employment. To accommodate younger public, India needs to ameliorate job skills with technology. Investments which certainly speed up the employment classes with growth and economy of the country.  

Strengthening rural economy:

Now, that we’re talking about the rural segment, the main occupation is farming in agriculture. The simplest way of increasing the economy here is to grow more value-added crops. Fruits & rare/ seasonal vegetables have great export potential. Setting up of Argo-processing units here the source must be increased. For example, if any area produces a good amount of sugarcane, then there should be factories related to the raw materials. That will use the fresh canes of the local villages to make the best quality Sugars and other products. This where the quality of the product stays hires and gives a good price for it. Also, fostering entrepreneurship in rural and semi-urban areas full combined nicely with local processing. More investments need to take place in rural connectivity. This way road, electricity, internet/digital connectivity also increases.   The more focus on education investments in infrastructure and Technology, the higher will be the demand from companies which will automatically speed up employment.  Innovative plans and hard work in unity will make everything happen.